This webinar will discuss the global valuation world’s efforts to become an official engagement group of the annual G20 finance meetings. The webinar will discuss V20’s goals and objectives, the summit will focus on valuation professional organizations and regulators, and the conference will focus on valuation issues related to G20 themes. This year’s V20 in Sao Paulo, Brazil (September 30 to October 2), will be discussed in detail, as well as efforts in reaching out to G20 organizers for this year’s program, next year’s in South Africa, and the 2026 event in the United States.
Program Agenda
V20 Overview;
V20 Brazil conference;
V20 Brazil summit;
V20 road map and participating organizations; and
V20 academic conference and call for papers.
Learning Objectives
Participants will learn of the V20 movement’s goals and objectives;
Participants will see the V20 Conference sessions and panelists; and
Participants will be aware of future G20/V20 planning efforts.
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