Join Dr. Victor Jarosiewicz and Josh Shilts as they discuss persistent business valuation issues in a new way. Using their practitioner and academic perspectives, Josh and Dr. J examine valuation issues to bridge the gap between theory and practice in business valuations today. In particular, our speakers will examine the company-specific risk premium in this inaugural session.
Program Agenda
What are we talking about? Focal topic overview;
What’s the problem? Opening questions and discussion;
What do you use now? Resources and literature—practitioner and academic;
What will it take to get there? Closing questions and discussion; and
What can you use right away? Leave-behinds, lessons, and takeaways.
Learning Objectives
Describe differences between professional practice and academic theory in business valuations;
Reconcile and explain how theory applies or how it needs to be reworked further to be useful in business valuation practice; and
Review how current professional practice in business valuations could be improved—with better data, methods, training for BV professionals, and resources for users and end consumers of business valuations.
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