Join Jim Alerding and Jim Ewart, veteran valuators, and Drew Soshnick, family law attorney and experienced valuation expert, for a discussion of some of the most consequential recent valuation and financial litigation decisions. The three experts will present and discuss this selection of state and federal cases. The analysis of these cases, which the experts handpicked for their importance, will provide insight into current issues in the business valuation arena and discussion of not only how the court ruled on these issues, but also what the experts believe is the importance of the issues and how to apply them in your practice.
Program Agenda
Thomasee v. Thomasee, 2022 La. App
Goicochea v. Goicochea, 2022 MD. App
Fair v. Fair, 2022 La. App
Simons v. Simons, 312 Neb. 236; 2022 Neb.
Pinto v. Schinitsky, 2022 N.Y.
Mikalacki v. Rubezic, 2022 Ariz.
Learning Objectives
Describe what the courts are discussing and deciding in recent cases as it relates to valuation and financial litigation cases.
Restate the importance of the issues discussed in the cases to the valuation professional; and
Restate the opinions of all three experts as to each case and each issue, and how each expert interprets the court’s decisions in these cases.
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