Multidisciplinary valuation projects set many traps for the unwary. Join Dennis Webb to learn about one such trap that affects virtually every asset holding company valuation because the real property appraiser and business valuer usually don’t know what the other needs. For specific company risk, such an omission can be quite a big deal.
Business appraisers are not expected to value the real estate, but they do need to be able to ask the right questions. In this case, what are the particular present and expected future property and asset management challenges and responsibilities, and how does current management match up to what is generally done in the market for this property type? The answers can be quite revealing.
Come away armed with a shopping list of criteria for measuring company-specific risk and a scale for determining percentage adjustments. It is practical, connects with existing knowledge of management levels, and will be an extremely useful addition to the valuer’s toolbox. Real-world examples round out this eye-opening presentation that is designed to improve your ability to produce persuasive asset holding company valuations.
Program Agenda
The multidisciplinary challenge for specific company risk:
The reality of realty management, present and future;
Recognizing management challenges and responsibilities; and
Outside market and inside management may be drastically different.
Measuring and applying specific company risk adjustments:
Criteria for measuring company-specific risk; and
Introducing the MRCS scale for determining percentage adjustments.
Learning Objectives
Describe the viewpoints embedded in the real estate appraisal, and learn how to obtain critical additional information from the real estate appraiser;
Find the differences between the “outside” real estate market and the “inside” partnership reality;
Apply facts and circumstances of the case for management risk in a systematic way; and
Recognize of how risk buildup applies for real estate holding companies.
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