Every year American Business Appraisers brings together experts from across the country for a frank and practical discussion of the issues impacting business valuation. This year, everyone is invited to four great sessions. Get a current update on the SBA Paycheck Protection Program and the forgiveness application. Adam Rosenfield gives an overview of what the most recent changes to the program are and how that affects clients/future clients. Get guidance on how the loan and loan forgiveness can impact yearend accounting (i.e. Cash Flow & Liabilities), potential valuation issues, and rules on repayment of loan if necessary all illustrated with actual experience from the loan and forgiveness application process. Secondly, Brian Wendler discusses these challenging times for valuators, lenders and merger & acquisition advisors dealing with poorly performing businesses. Learn how to value, price, and structure deals for success. Next Brandi Ruffalo will discuss the current impact of COVID-19 on business valuation and how it has forced to get back to the basics in our business valuation work. See the different approaches that people are taking to address the uncertainty that COVID introduces into our work and review the impact on our work moving forward. Join the Lawyer in Residence of Clio, Joshua Lenon, to explore cybersecurity concerns for small and medium size professional service businesses. In this session, we will explore the ethical, regulatory, and compliance needs of cybersecurity and how it impacts business valuation and your practice.
Program Agenda
PPP Impact on Valuation
How the Paycheck Protection Program affects accounting and valuation
The complexities the program can cause on valuations
Real life examples of issues going on in the past couple months
BVR Valuation Update
Show alternative method(s) for valuing poorly performing businesses, and how to structure them for sale
How to recognize negative goodwill
Understand earnouts and the BVR research on earnouts
How to handle PPP funding, forgiveness and possible repayment in the event of a sale
COVID-19 and Business Valuation: Where We Are Now and Where it Takes Us
Business valuation fundamentals
How fundamentals are impacted in current environment
Economic variables
How they have impacted valuation
Industry impacts of COVID
How to approach industry risk
Outline the different approaches to address the new risk variables introduced by COVID
Common Cents Cybersecurity
What is cybersecurity?
How cybersecurity duties arise in businesses.
What is the cost of a cybersecurity failure?
Assigning value to cybersecurity
Learning Objectives
Describe PPP most recent rule changes & key points
List potential valuation issues caused by PPP
Restate how the forgiveness process works and what happens if loan is not forgiven
Describe how to value businesses in the COVID19 era
restate to value businesses with negative goodwill, structure those deals, and advise buyers and sellers
Define what earnouts are, different ways to structure and value them, and why they may become more common in this current economic environment
Describe how fundamentals are impacted in current environment
Demonstrate how economic variables have impacted valuation
Describe why a secure company is more valuable.
Restate what to look for in evaluating the cybersecurity of a company
Describe the role of third-party services in cybersecurity
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Business Valuation Resources offers a 100% money-back guarantee on our training services. If you are not completely satisfied
with your experience, or have any feedback, please contact Business Valuation Resources at 1-503-479-8200 or