Preparing a valuation analysis can be difficult enough, let alone defending it against an opposing party questioning your every move. It is important for valuation experts to know how their valuations may be challenged by other experts and work to effectively address these issues pre-emptively. Presenters Sean Saari and Bob Ranallo discuss how to prepare yourself, and your valuation report, when you know your work will be subject to review and critique in a litigation or dispute setting.
Program Agenda
Types of litigation and dispute-related engagements
Valuation Scope / Deliverables
Single or multiple appraisers
Calculation of value vs. conclusion of value
Type of report
Development standards
Standards of value
Lost profits vs. lost business value
Document requests
Management interview
Unique Considerations
Applicability of discounts in buyout by majority owner
Majority owner managing company to detriment of minority owners
Critiquing Opposing Valuations
List/summary of common errors encountered in valuations
Tips and Takeaways
Learning Objectives
Understand the applicability of professional standards in litigation or dispute-related valuation engagements
Implement best practices in preparing valuation reports that will withstand critique from opposing parties
Recognize issues in opposing experts’ valuation reports
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