Talk about a growing industry. As legalization spreads across the country, more valuation professionals are focusing on emerging and evolving issues in cannabis and hemp. If you are a practitioner or an advisor who is involved in the appraisal and analysis of business interests in both the legal, regulated cannabis sector and in agricultural hemp and cannabinoids, then don’t pass on this webinar. Recent developments in state and federal legislation will be covered as will pending challenges to IRC 280E in the courts. Join Ron Seigneur and Ryan Cram to learn the unique elements of appraising cannabis and hemp businesses and intellectual property. License rights will be addressed, including sources of data.
Program Agenda
General Perspectives
Cannabis and Hemp industry overview and hot button issues
IRC 280E, taxation and choice of entity issues
Legislative landscape
Business appraisal in the cannabis and hemp sectors
Ancillary Information:
Lessons learned from Colorado
Historical and biological perspectives
Learning Objectives
List important current trends that are transforming what are already truly unique industries
Describe the fundamental terminology and economic concepts that distinguish successful a cannabis and hemp enterprise
Restate how federal and state regulatory oversight impacts value and how it is rapidly changing
Determine the competence needed to take on work in this sector and how to mitigate risks
Explain where to find useful data on market dynamics and other industry data
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