Management-prepared forecasts and projections, collectively referred to as prospective financial information (PFI), serve as the critical foundation for discounted cash flow methods. A recently issued document, Application of the Mandatory Performance Framework (MPF), provides suggested guidance for valuation professionals regarding the evaluation and use of PFI. David Dufendach will address key aspects of the new guidance that impact PFI, including the following concepts: professional skepticism, reasonably objective basis, and discount rate derivation. In addition, pre-existing guidance that is closely related to the proper evaluation and use of PFI will be reviewed, including ASC 820 (discount rate techniques) and the AICPA Guide to PFI. Get an enhanced understanding of how to evaluate, support, and document the PFI employed in their valuation engagements, and, equally important, be better able to develop discount rates that are consistent with the risk profile of the PFI.
Program Agenda
Overview of the MPF and other pertinent guidance
Review of the types of PFI and other foundation concepts
Identification of risk profile(s)
Suggestions for evaluation of “reasonably objective basis”
Review of discount rate techniques
Brief examples illustrating consistency of risk profiles and discount rates
Discussion of documentation issues
Learning Objectives
Learn how the new MPF, along with pre-existing guidance, specifically impacts DCF methods
Understand the importance of establishing a reasonably objective basis
Be better able to identify risk profiles and develop appropriate risky discount rates
Understand new documentation guidelines with respect to PFI
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