According to the FDIC, 94 percent or 4,800 of all U.S. commercial banks are “community banks.” Community banks are closely held, have shareholders’ equity ranging from $5 million to $100 million, and have approximately 150 employees, on average. Due to unique regulatory and operating factors, valuation of a commercial bank requires industry-specific insights and knowledge. Join expert Keith Sellers for insight into all aspects of the valuation of U.S. commercial banks, focusing on “community banks. Day one focuses on establishing a solid foundation by reviewing operations, data sources and financials of community banks. Day two is an in depth case study (data provided) applying those fundamentals and gaining valuable experience. Attend both days to get the full value.
Note:While it is designed for participants to attend both sessions you may register and attend the Fundamentals and the Case Study separately.
Program Agenda
Valuation Using Market Approaches: There have been several thousand U.S. bank mergers and acquisitions. There are also approximately 700 listed bank stocks. Best sources of data for market approaches, best models for this data
Valuation Using the Income Approach: Options for benefit stream and cost of capital. How to use Duff & Phelps model to estimate industry-specific cost of equity
Valuation Case Study: We will walk through the valuation of an actual community bank, from start to finish. All data will be provided to participants so they can follow my explanation
Learning Objectives
Value drivers for commercial banks
Risk factors, “red flags” and how to evaluate the risk profile of a commercial bank
How to evaluate the financial performance and position of a commercial bank
Where to acquire key industry-specific data as well as valuable qualitative information
Where to acquire appropriate data for the market approach (public guideline and completed transaction)
How to construct industry-specific cost of capital estimates
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