Do you have a deep understanding of the spectrum of hospital-based coverage arrangements? What about the key considerations that drive compensation value? Join experts Schaeffer Smith and Christina Street as the examine the key factors and regulations influencing fair market value for unrestricted call coverage and restricted coverage. Get a full check up on stipends, collection guarantees, and clinical PSAs for hospital clients, and make sure your next healt5hcare assignment gets a “clean bill of health."
Program Agenda
Overview of common hospital-based coverage arrangements
Regulatory considerations
Key contract term considerations
Testing key inputs and assumptions
Value conclusion
Learning Objectives
Participants will learn to differentiate key considerations for valuing unrestricted call coverage, restricted coverage, stipends, and clinical professional service arrangements
Participants will learn reasonableness tests relative to key inputs and assumptions which form the basis for valuing hospital coverage arrangements
Participants will learn how to perform appropriate methodology for market, income, and cost approaches relative to valuing hospital-based coverage arrangements
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