If fair value reporting contains a knot of complex issues, they are perhaps nowhere more complex than in the area of intangible asset valuation. Though ASCs 820, 805, and 350 all have something to say about intangible asset valuation, they jointly cover a wide range of assets and valuation settings. From identification through valuation, expert Robert Reilly will cover what every appraiser should know when tackling a valuation of an intangible asset for fair value purposes. Join him in "Challenges in Measuring the Fair Value of Intangible Assets," part 3 of BVR's 2014 Online Symposium on Fair Value Measurement.
Program Agenda
Relevant GAAP provisions related to fair value accounting
Identifiable intangible assets under GAAP
Intangible attributes and influences
Standard of value and premise of value issues
Generally accepted valuation approaches and methods
Valuation synthesis and conclusion procedures
Valuation analyst due diligence procedures
Reporting and defending the value conclusions
Cost approach illustrative example
Market approach illustrative example
Income approach illustrative example
Summary and conclusion
Learning Objectives
Learn what fair value standards and guidelines say about the valuation of intangible assets
Learn how to value intangible assets for purposes of fair value measurement
Learn which intangible assets are covered under fair value standards and how these standards apply to each type of asset
Learn to present and defend intangible asset valuations performed for fair value purposes
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