For any written report, even the smallest of errors can prove to costly to overcome. In the case of business appraisal report writing, this is especially true when presenting nuanced and complex procedures and analysis. Through an examination of professional guidelines, judicial decisions, and real-world examples, expert Timothy Lee and attorney L. Paul Hood Jr., authors of A Reviewer's Handbook to Business Valuation: Practical Guidance to the Use and Abuse of a Business Appraisal have compiled a must attend presentation on how to avoid the most common and mortal mistakes in business appraisal reporting, be they by omission or commission.
Program Agenda
Due diligence
Scope of report content
Analytical scope & content
Premiums & discounts
The big picture
Learning Objectives
Learn how to effectively "dot the Is and cross the Ts" on adequate disclosures and other definitional attributes critical to your work product
Learn to identify susceptible positions and immunize your reports from rebuttal-style attacks
Understand the importance of reporting with adequate and focused devil's advocacy
Reconcile your work to general and specific concepts and rules of thumb to defend your treatments and results
BVR's Satisfaction Guarantee
Business Valuation Resources offers a 100% money-back guarantee on our training services. If you are not completely satisfied
with your experience, or have any feedback, please contact Business Valuation Resources at 1-503-479-8200 or