On July 25, in Equity Risk Premiums: Looking Back, Looking Forward, Dr. Aswath Damodaran will argue that "the days of stable equity risk premiums are behind us." After years of economic turmoil, equity risks must be related to events and fundamentals, and checked between markets to ensure their accuracy. This in-depth examination will focus on the connections between country-specific risks, historical equity risks, and related data, and what financial professionals must do to ensure accuracy when determining risk premiums in the new economy.
Program Agenda
The equity risk premium:
The ubiquitous historical risk premium
Determining the country risk premium
Country default spreads
An equity volatility based approach
A melded approach
From country equity risk premiums to corporate equity risk premiums
Estimating country risk premium exposure
Single versus multiple emerging markets
Estimating a lambda for country risk
Implied equity premiums
Which equity risk premium should you use?
The bottom line…
Learning Objectives
Learn the relationships between country and equity risks and measures of volatility, risk, and return
Learn which approaches and methods are best suited to determining country and equity risks and the relative strengths and weaknesses of these approaches
Learn why the days of static risk premiums are over and why dynamic, forward-looking estimates of risk are now imperative
Learn why comparison of risk premiums across markets is now a necessity for checking consistency and pricing
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