In pass-through entities the valuation community has perhaps its oldest, least resolved, and, some would say, most poorly defined set of challenges. Despite academic studies, exhaustive professional thought, and judicial opinion, there is still a lack of consensus in this critical area of business appraisal. Yet in the face of these challenges, new work continues to push for a solution to the conundrum of pass-through entities.
In "The Pass-Through Premium: A New Perspective on an Old Issue" appraiser Eric Barr presents new thinking on pass-through entity valuation and how the appraisal community can best overcome the long-standing barriers to consensus.
Program Agenda
Common Practice
Why it is wrong to only use 0%, 40% or maximum corporate or individual tax rates
Standard of Value: Fair Market Value/Fair Value/Investment Value
Tax considerations
Pass –Through Entities (PTEs) – what are they and how are they different than C corporations?
Federal self-employment taxes
Differences between PTEs
Federal income tax rates are changing in 2013
Impact of state and local tax laws
Undistributed income – impact on after-tax cash flows, higher tax basis and potential valuation impact
Terms of Transaction
Buying assets versus equity
Buying equity from a S or C Corp versus buying equity from a sole practitioner, LLC or partnership
Factors to consider when tax-effecting a PTE:
Standard of Value
Who is the hypothetical buyer
Size of company's income
State and local income taxes
Year of valuation
Learning Objectives
Learn which factors most impact the value of a pass-through entity
Clarify the considerations that must be made in a pass-through entity valuation and what impact these can have
Learn how standards of value impact pass-through entity valuation
Learn how existing pass-through entity valuation theories and approaches get it wrong
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