For most, the concept of a valuation multiple is easy for market participants to understand. Unfortunately, this simplicity of concept leads to widespread misapplication of valuation multiples and often results in sellers having unreasonable expectations. In the myth of the multiple, healthcare valuation expert Jason Ruchaber, CFA, ASA, will separate fact from fiction and explore the real financial and compliance considerations that drive FMV and purchase price in healthcare transactions.
Program Agenda
The Basics— Deal Lingo
Rumors Spread—Everybody Talks
Brass Tacks— Fundamentals of the Market Approach
Price vs. Value
Compliance considerations and other factors unique to healthcare multiples
Learning Objectives
Restate the financial theory behind the market approach
List the key considerations that must be evaluated when applying multiple in healthcare transactions
Explain to educate clients and other stakeholders on the myth of the multiple, and the true drivers of value.
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