Business Valuation Resources, LLC

Pass Through Entity Valuation Update: The Significant Impact of Academic Research on the Debate

Date: Thursday, May 26, 2011
10:00am-11:40am PT / 1:00pm-2:40pm ET
Format: A BVR Webinar

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Featuring (click image for more information):

Nancy J. Fannon
Fannon Valuation Group
Keith Sellers
University of North Alabama

Why You Should Attend:

The long-simmering debate regarding the proper methods by which to value an S-Corp or pass-through entity has taken many twists through the years. As new models are introduced, each claiming to accurately capture the true value of these entities' tax structures, the courts have weighed in with decisions that at times seem to refute the larger body of knowledge in development. Though the debate continues, research from the academic sector has begun to shed light on methods that should greatly aid the valuation process of these tricky entities.

In "Pass Through Entity Valuation Update: The Significant Impact of Academic Research on the Debate," expert appraiser Nancy Fannon and Keith Sellers, the LaGrange Eminent Scholar of Business Valuation at the University of North Alabama, will join BVR for an in-depth examination of this research, what it means for the valuation of pass-through entities, and what every appraiser should know when facing a pass-through valuation assignment.


  • Background: Why do we have this issue?
  • The Question: Do pass-through entities sell for a premium compared to C corporations, or a discount?
  • Comparison of supporting evidence
  • What can be gleaned from public markets
  • What academic research says on the matter
  • Effects of taxes and dividends
  • S Corp and pass through entity valuation models

Learning Objectives

  • Clearly understand the challenges in pass through entity valuation and the valuation community's response to date
  • Learn how academic research has shed light on these issues and what these findings mean for the process of pass through entity valuation
  • Understand how academic findings may be applied to real-world pass through entity valuations and what these insights will mean for the valuation conclusion

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CPE Information

Prerequisites: Knowledge of Business Valuation
Program Level: Advanced
Preparation Required: None
Delivery Method: Group Internet-Based
Recommended CPE: 2 Credit Hours (Specialized Knowledge & Applications)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417.
NASBA Sponsor

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  • Recordings and transcripts of the presentation
  • All presentation visual aides and handouts
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