Business Valuation Resources, LLC

The Appraiser's Role in ESOP Valuations: The New Regulation That Makes Appraisers ERISA Fiduciaries

Date: Thursday, May 19, 2011
10:00am-11:00am PT / 1:00pm-2:00pm ET
Format: A BVR Webinar

Earn 1 CPE credit
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Webinar $139
OD Pack
Training Pack* $139
  Webinar and Training Pack* $199
*Training Packs include: a complete recording and transcript with all presentation and reading materials
Please note: CPE credit is not available through Training Packs
More information is available below

Featuring (click image for more information):

Jared Kaplan
McDermott Will & Emery LLP

Why You Should Attend:

On October 22 the Federal Register reported on a proposal by the Department of Labor (DOL) to expand the definition of "fiduciary" with regard to ESOPs to include those who give "advice, appraisal or fairness opinions concerning the value of securities or other property." Though the DOL believes this change will cut down on purported abuses in the market, changing a classification held since 1976 to include appraisers as ERISA fiduciaries would carry significant implications for the liability of those valuation professionals working with ESOPs.

On May 19 BVR welcomes attorney Jared Kaplan, who's had extensive involvement with this proposed rule change, for an in-depth examination of the effects projected by this new regulation and what it means for the appraisal profession. For any appraiser practicing in this area, this is not a presentation to miss.


  • The story of this change:
    • The problem
    • The proposed solution
    • Effects of the change
    • Complications with the solution
    • How we arrived here: statutory history
  • Current status of the proposal
  • Possible responses & alternatives

Learning Objectives

  • Learn what the Department of Labor is proposing for ESOP appraisers and what it means for the practice of ESOP appraisal
  • Understand how this regulation came about, what it hopes to solve, and what problems it potentially creates
  • Clarify which positions can be taken to avoid liability or bolster indemnity in ESOP appraisal practices

BVR's Webinar Usage Policy

Purchase of admission to any of BVR's webinars grants ONE phone connection and ONE computer connection per physical location per registration. Additional unregistered phone or computer connections are a violation of BVR's Webinar Usage Policy, and BVR reserves the right to withhold CPE credits from both registered and unregistered users in violation of this policy.

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Training Passport™ subscribers receive:

  • Automatic registration to all qualified webinars and training events on BVR's training calendar (up to 25 per year). For each event BVR will send you dial-in instructions automatically. All you have to do is show up.
  • Monthly emails highlighting what's ahead on our training calendar so you can better plan your professional development.
  • Access to the Desktop Learning Center™, our multimedia library of all past BVR webinars and live events. This comprehensive database includes over 100 titles dating back to 2002 from some of the best minds in the profession.

For more information on the Training Passport™ or group discounts to single events for 5 or more people, contact BVR at

CPE Credits for Unlimited Listeners

Have as many eyes and ears take advantage of your registered connections as possible:CPE credit is available for an unlimited number of listeners to any registered line. To add listeners for CPE credit, contact customer service ( or (503) 291-7963) with main registrant's name, the names of the persons to receive credit, and their email addresses. We welcome as many eyes and ears to take advantage of those connections as possible.

CPE Information

Prerequisites: Knowledge of Business Valuation
Program Level: Advanced
Preparation Required: None
Delivery Method: Group Internet-Based
Recommended CPE: 2 Credit Hours (Specialized Knowledge & Applications)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417.
NASBA Sponsor

Training Packs: Conference Recordings & Transcripts

BVR's Training Packs are an indispensable addition to any valuation reference library. Use them as training tools as many times as you'd like, wherever you are: play them at your computer at work or home, in your car, or on your personal audio device.

Each Training Packs includes:

  • Recordings and transcripts of the presentation
  • All presentation visual aides and handouts
  • All ancillary reading materials suggested by our presenters

For a complete list of available Training Packs from past webinars, click here.

BVR's Satisfaction Guarantee:
Business Valuation Resources offers a 100% money-back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your conference experience, or have any concerns or complaints, you may contact Business Valuation Resources at (503) 291-7963, or mail to BVR, LLC, 1000 SW Broadway, Suite 1200, Portland, OR 97205.