Business Valuation Resources, LLC

Goodwill Impairment in a Troubled Economy

Date: Thursday, July 23, 2009
10:00am-11:40am PT / 1:00pm-2:40pm ET

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Featuring (click image for more information):

H. Edward Morris, Jr.
Clifton Gunderson LLP

R. James Alerding
Clifton Gunderson LLP

R. Brian Steen
Dixon Hughes PLLC

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Conference On Demand Packs (Click for More Information on Teleconference Transcripts & Recordings)

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Each On Demand Packs includes:

  • Recordings and transcripts of the presentation
  • All presentation visual aides and handouts
  • All ancillary reading materials suggested by our presenters

Why You Should Attend

Hear Ed Morris
describe the program:

(Click to Play - Runtime: 3'28")

The summary for SFAS 142 notes that "intangible assets are an increasingly important economic resources for many entities" - an importance that has only grown since the statement's authorship in June, 2001. As the global economy continues its turbulence, the valuation of goodwill and other intangible assets has become increasingly important, placing more of a burden on appraisers to understand both SFAS 142 and 144 - the statement on accounting for the impairment or disposal of long-lived assets.

In "Goodwill Impairment in a Troubled Economy," valuation experts Ed Morris, Jim Alerding, and Brian Steen will cover the hands-on, must-know issues relating to recognizing, testing, and accounting for goodwill impairment. For all valuation practitioners, this presentation is an imperative preparation for the coming wave of impairment-related valuation issues. Indeed, Ed Morris notes "we've seen some increase in goodwill impairment for the 2008 financial statements, but we think that's going to continue - and if nothing else accelerate - in 2009, and get into some of the trickier issues where it's not as black and white as it has been."


  • Introduction and overview summary
    • Current economic climate and how it sets the stage for SFAS 142 and 144
    • Common reasons for 142
    • Unusual and current situations related to 142
      • Management projections
      • Stock price fluctuations below book value
      • Reporting units and their relationship to management or a parent company
  • When to retest for goodwill between testing dates
  • Testing for impairment of long-lived assets under 144
    • Legal factors
    • Regulatory factors
    • Factors relating to the business environment
    • Personnel factors
  • Testing for recoverability
  • Recognition of goodwill impairment loss in financial statements

Learning Objectives

  • Develop a clear understanding of the appraiser's responsibilities under SFAS 142 and 144
  • Recognize impairment in all its forms - from the clear-cut, black-and-white to gray areas requiring more analysis and experience
  • Understand the impact of impairment and how to properly account for its presence

CPE Credit Information

Earn 2 Interactive CPE Credits (Consulting Services)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417.
NASBA Sponsor

Prerequisites: Knowledge of Business Valuation
Program Level: Advanced
Preparation Required: None
Delivery Method: Group-Live
Recommended CPE: 2 Credit Hours

BVR's Satisfaction Guarantee:
Business Valuation Resources offers a complaint resolution and refund policy with a 100% money-back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your conference experience, or have any concerns or complaints, you may contact Business Valuation Resources at (503) 291-7963 ext. 102 for a satisfactory resolution of your concern or you may submit a written request for a full refund of this program to Stephanie Crader at: or mail to BVR, LLC, 1000 SW Broadway, Suite 1200, Portland, OR 97205.