Meet the Butler Pinkerton Calculator - A Free Webinar
Featuring (click image for more information):
Why You Should Attend On Friday, August 28 BVR will welcome Peter Butler and Keith Pinkerton, creators of the Butler Pinkerton Calculator (BPC) for a special one-hour free webinar. Featuring the latest and best techniques for using what has become the preeminent tool to objectively quantify company-specific risk premiums (CSRPs) and total costs of equity (TCOEs) for guideline publicly-traded companies, this free event is the perfect chance to see the BPC in action with its creators. Attendees to this free event will receive hands-on tutelage of the practical applications of the BPC – like the selection of inputs and analysis of results – through live examples, case studies, and Q&A. After this one-hour presentation, attendees will be better able to support and defend their discount rate conclusions for their subject company. Agenda
Learning Objectives
BVR's Teleconference Usage Policy Purchase of admission to any of BVR's teleconferences grants ONE phone connection and ONE computer connection per physical location per registration. Additional unregistered phone or computer connections are a violation of BVR's Teleconference Usage Policy, and BVR reserves the right to withhold CPE credits from both registered and unregistered users in violation of this policy. Group Discounts Available For group discounts on Teleconferences contact Linda Mendenhall at or (503) 291-7963 ext. 125. CPE Credits for Unlimited Listeners Have as many eyes and ears take advantage of your registered connections as possible:CPE credit is available for an unlimited number of listeners to any registered line. To add listeners for CPE credit, contact customer service ( or (503) 291-7963) with main registrant's name, the names of the persons to receive credit, and their email addresses. We welcome as many eyes and ears to take advantage of those connections as possible. CPE Information Prerequisites: Knowledge of Business Valuation
BVR's Satisfaction Guarantee:
Business Valuation Resources offers a complaint resolution and refund policy with a 100% money-back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your conference experience, or have any concerns or complaints, you may contact Business Valuation Resources at (503) 291-7963 ext. 102 for a satisfactory resolution of your concern or you may submit a written request for a full refund of this program to Stephanie Crader at: or mail to BVR, LLC, 1000 SW Broadway, Suite 1200, Portland, OR 97205.