BVR's Online Symposium on Litigation and Economic Damages: Part 7 Lost Profits for Construction Claims
Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Time: 10:00am-11:40am PT / 1:00pm-2:40pm ET Format: A BVR Webinar
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Given the complexity of purpose, planning, and execution, it should be no surprise that claims alleging adverse actions result in unwarranted costs, lost profits, or other economic damages are not uncommon in the construction industry. Yet with all valuation challenges involving construction companies knowing how to properly assess the economic impact of these actions can be tricky at best.
In Part 7 of BVR's Online Symposium on Litigation and Economic Damages attorney George Burns discusses what these alleged actions include, how their economic impact is assessed, and what every appraiser should know before accepting such a challenging valuation assignment.
Introduction: definition & presentation of construction claims
Claim pricing methodologies
Total cost method
Modified total cost
Actual cost method
Jury verdict method
Claims for delay
What is delay?
Determining responsibility for delays: the project schedule
Pricing the impact of delays
What is disruption?
Pricing the impact of disruption
What is acceleration?
Pricing the impact of acceleration
Typical causes of construction claims
Extra work
Defective specifications
Differing site conditions
Cardinal changes
Defective work
Summary & conclusion
Learning Objectives
Learn why economic damages claims are made in construction projects and how these claims arise
Understand which methods are used for assessing these claims and why
Learn what distribution and acceleration are in construction claims and what they mean for the assessment of lost profits claims
Clarify the appraisers role in construction claims and their determination
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Admission to this program includes one CPE certificate for one individual. Any additional listeners requesting CPE must pay a processing fee assessed at the completion of the online CE survey for this course.
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CPE Information
Prerequisites: Knowledge of Business Valuation Program Level: Advanced Preparation Required: None Delivery Method: Group Internet-Based Recommended CPE: 2 Credit Hours (Specialized Knowledge & Applications)
Business Valuation Resources, LLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
All BVR training events are eligible for continuing education credits from the Exit Planning Institute's Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA) program. Credits are based on a 50-minute hour. Final acceptance is at the discretion of the Exit Planning Institute.
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Each Training Pack is delivered approximately 2-4 weeks after the program has aired, and includes:
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Audio file (MP3
Transcript of the presentation
A copy of the presentation slides
A copy of the reading materials, visual aids, and handouts
Please note, CPE is not available with Training Packs.
In the 2011 edition Nancy Fannon, ASA, MCBA, CPA, ABV brings together the comprehensive body of knowledge on lost profits damages and delivers the definitive resource for financial experts and attorneys alike. Fannon and other leading experts provide thorough analysis of current case law and valuation methodology related to the calculation of damages.
The online version of the Guide provides 24/7 access from any Internet connection and the advantage of real time updates such as recently published court opinions, new articles by the author and other top professionals, conference presentations, podcasts, news and blog feeds, and much more! Plus, the online Guide is available in digital format and can be loaded onto any eBook reader.
Unjust Enrichment Tuesday, September 10, 2013 More information to come
Lost Profits in Early Stage Companies Tuesday, October 1, 2013 More information to come
Calculating Damages for Insured Claims Tuesday, November 5, 2013 More information to come
Forensics in Lost Profits Cases Tuesday, December 3, 2013 More information to come
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