A Partner in Grant Thornton LLP, Mr. Duffy specializes in the valuation of closely-held business interests for purposes of litigation support (marriage dissolutions and shareholder suits), estate planning and taxation, and financial reporting purposes. Since 1984, he has been involved in over 800 matters requiring the valuation of a business or claim, has appeared as an expert witness in Federal, State and Bankruptcy Courts. Prior to joining Grant Thornton LLP, Mr. Duffy was a Partner and shareholder at Brueggeman and Johnson, P.C., Seattle's largest, independent valuation firm.
Mr. Duffy holds a Master of Business Administration from Pacific Lutheran University and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting from Western Washington University.
He continues to teach adult students at 3 Portland universities since 1989 is privileged to have received the "Graduate Faculty of the Year" award for 2000.