Missy DeArk
Dean Dorton
Missy DeArk is an Owner and Associate Director of Business Valuation at Dean Dorton, based in Louisville, Kentucky, and one of the largest public accounting firms in the Southeast. Missy is a certified public accountant and is certified in financial forensics by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Additionally, she holds two certifications from the National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts (NACVA): Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) and Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF).  

Missy leads the Dean Dorton family law practice, helping attorneys and clients understand the financial and tax issues specific to the divorce process including disposable income and cash flow analysis; forensic accounting services; marital estate balance sheets; asset tracing; and alimony calculations and business valuations, among others. She and her team specialize in the technical financial expertise of marital dissolutions but are also in tune to the emotional challenges and focus on supporting clients and their attorneys to fully analyze the short- and long-term financial implications of divorce settlements. Missy and her team of certified experts (CPA, CFF, ABV, CVA, and CFE credentials) provide expert witness services in courts throughout Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, North Carolina, and across the United States.  

Missy is also the President of the Kentucky Collaborative Family Network, a group of attorneys, financial professionals, and coaches that promote a structured alternative resolution process that helps families avoid going to court for divorce settlements. The goal is to promote family peace and economic stability to the greatest extent possible and minimize adversity in the process and reach an equitable solution without court. 

When Missy is not testifying or working with clients, she can often be found speaking at events for organizations such as the American Bar Association, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (Family Law Seminar), the International Association of Collaborative Professionals, and the Kentucky Bar Association.