Kenneth J. Pia is a partner and the leader of the Business Valuation Industry group. With more than 30 years of professional business valuation and litigation support experience, Mr. Pia has developed a national reputation working on a wide range of complex valuation engagements. He has performed valuations of businesses and partial business interests for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, family law matters, employee stock ownership plans, business damages, buy-sell agreements, shareholder litigation, estate, and gift tax matters, and buying and selling businesses.
Mr. Pia is heavily involved with the American Society of Appraisers (ASA). He is chair of the ASA's Business Valuation Committee is a member of the national business Valuation Education Committee and teaches nationally for the ASA's accreditation program. Mr. Pia is also a charter member of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Foundation's Forensic & Business Valuation Division and was recently named to the American Academy for Certified Financial Litigators advisory board for New York and Connecticut.
Mr. Pia is a frequent speaker on business valuation topics on national and local levels for numerous professional organizations, including the American Bar Association, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, and National Center for Employee Ownership. In addition to teaching for the ASA’s accreditation program, he previously instructed for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ Certificate of Educational Achievement (CEA) program in business valuation. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Quinnipiac University. Mr. Pia has technically reviewed publications on divorce finance and taxation for the American Bar Association, as well as several books on business valuation. In 2007, he was appointed as one of two appraisers to the State of Connecticut’s Eminent Domain Task Force, established to determine the methodologies to be used in the calculation of lost economic intangible value of businesses due to the state exercising domain rights.
Mr. Pia has been qualified as an expert witness in Federal District Court and the State Courts of Connecticut and New York, as well as various arbitration proceedings. He has also rendered extensive services relating to court testimony. Mr. Pia is on the State of New York Courts’ list to receive court appointments in the following counties: New York, Kings, Richmond, Queens, Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester. He has received Court appointments in New York and Connecticut.