Edward Pratesi
UHY Advisors
Edward E. Pratesi's area of specialization is in private company valuation and strategic consulting services. Mr. Pratesi has provided numerous opinions of value for various types of business entities and intellectual property. He has performed valuations of partnerships, family limited partnerships, intellectual property, closely-held corporations, lottery tickets and various forms of unusual income streams. Among the types of reports issued are fairness opinions, valuations for marital dissolutions, stock option valuation for financial reporting purposes, “fair value” appraisals under oppressed shareholder statutes and “transaction” oriented projects.

In addition to business valuation services, Mr. Pratesi and UHY provides a suite of strategic and financial advisory services to assist start-up ventures and growth companies including advisory board representation, valuation and pricing, strategy development, business model design, and CFO services.

Mr. Pratesi has also provided litigation support services in the following areas: marital dissolution and collaborative services, lost profits computations, wrongful termination damage claims and has been qualified as an expert witness in various jurisdictions.

Mr. Pratesi also represents companies and stockholders in mergers, acquisitions, and the sale of businesses; he has advised individuals and attorneys in entity choice, creative structuring techniques, and ownership agreements. He has assisted and advised individuals and business enterprises in buy-ins, buy-outs, dissolutions, and settlement agreements. Additionally, he has assisted both publicly traded and private companies in obtaining financing, including venture capital and mezzanine capital.

His prior years of experience in industry as an Assistant General Manager and Director of Strategic & Financial Planning for a publicly traded company has assisted him greatly in understanding the needs and problems of Private Company Owners. He has direct experience in the design, implementation and control of a strategic planning system; including divisional strategic planning, economic & environmental assessment, new product approval development and tracking and overall coordination of the strategy development and implementation process. He is a past President of the Hartford Chapter of the Planning Executives Institute (Subsequently merged into the Association for Corporate Growth).

Mr. Pratesi has been a speaker on various business valuation issues and on Strategy Assessment, Value Enhancement Strategies, and Exit Strategies for Private Company Owners for various organizations throughout the country. He has also been an Instructor and Adjunct Faculty at various colleges and universities including New York University and the University of New Haven.