Richard J. Miller
Richard J. Miller & Associates

Mr. Miller founded Richard J. Miller & Associates, Inc. (formerly Pacific Resources Management, Inc.) in December, 1977 and since that time has been both the managing officer and the director of the technical operations and services of the firm. As a petroleum engineer Mr. Miller has conducted and/or participated in several hundred reservoir engineering and economic evaluation projects covering oil, gas and geothermal properties in all parts of the United States. These evaluations include individual property appraisals; determining of the feasibility of property and field development plans for new drilling or Enhanced Recovery processes, and planning and design of water and steam injection projects. Evaluations prepared by Mr. Miller have been used by producers for exploration and field development; by investors to establish project feasibility; by producers and financiers to support institutional financing; for reporting to the SEC and other government agencies; for estimation of estate taxes; and for expert witness testimony in federal and state courts and before property tax assessment appeal boards.

Mr. Miller began his career in 1967 with Texaco, Inc. in California and in Trinidad, West Indies. Following two years (1972-74) as a petroleum engineer with James A. Lewis, Engineering in Dallas and four years (1974-1977) as Senior Petroleum Engineer with United California Bank, Mr. Miller entered consulting work by forming RJM&A.

Mr. Miller received a Bachelor of Science degree in Petroleum Engineering in 1967 from the New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology at Socorro, N.M. He also holds both a Master of Science degree in Petroleum Engineering (1970) and a Master of Business Administration degree, with an emphasis in Finance and Economics from the University of Southern California. Mr. Miller is a Registered Petroleum Engineer in the State of Texas (#36741).

Mr. Miller is a Past President of the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers and is credentialed as an Accredited Senior Appraiser, with a specialty in Oil and Gas Appraisal, by the American Society of Appraisers. He is the author of numerous technical papers and published reports and studies.