John Hawthorne
With over thirty-five years of practice, Mr. Hawthorne has participated in excess of 1,000 valuation and corporate financial consulting projects, primarily in the United States. He has also served as an expert witness in various state and federal court jurisdictions, appeared before the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as an expert and has been involved in the arbitration of valuation disputes.

Mr. Hawthorne's current professional practice is focused on providing state-of-the-art valuation and corporate financial consulting, strategic planning, economic development and investment management services to clients on a local, national and global basis.

In addition, Mr. Hawthorne is extensively involved in providing the highest quality professional training for business valuation and strategic planning through the ASA, the IIBV and other organizations on a national and international basis.

Mr. Hawthorne was team leader in the development of IIBV103 – Business valuation Case Studies.